Esp Eng

We stimulate curiosity and love for learning

Admissions Coordinator

María Alexandra Aponte

(601) 292 22 66 Option 4

Why Alcaparros?

The new generations face the challenge of becoming individuals who contribute to the development of their community and environment, that is why we create spaces where we facilitate students to lead processes to belong to a global culture, with ethical training and ecological awareness.

Active Learning

Active learning is the cornerstone of our educational project, because it favors the development of human potential. Through active learning, children are free to choose and manipulate materials, express ideas, make plans and projects based on their own interests, make choices, make decisions, and talk and reflect on what they do.

Learning Spaces


“One hundred languages, one hundred hands, one hundred thoughts, one hundred ways of thinking, of playing, of speaking.”

-Loris Malaguzzi

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the school’s official communication channel?

The school’s official communication channel is Phidias, a platform that facilitates communication between Alcaparros, students, teachers and parents. It can be navigated from a computer or from our Alcaparros App.  Also, we have the Llama, an internal communication newsletter that is published weekly for the entire community with general information, sports activities, events, editorial of the director of the educational project, menu, among others.

Where can I find the school calendar and institutional events?

The school calendar can be consulted through Phidias, accessing with the username and password previously assigned by the technology area.

What are the communication policies between parents and teachers?

Parents can communicate via e-mail with teachers or school coordinators. They can also communicate by phone or email with the secretaries of each school, who will facilitate contact with teachers and areas of the school.  Teachers communicate with parents via email or through the school secretaries.

What is the mobile app or platform to access school information?

The school has the Alcaparros App that facilitates the communication of the entire community. This application must be downloaded through the Apple Store or Play Store. To access all the information published, it is necessary to log in with the same credentials as Phidias.

Where can I learn more about extracurriculars?

To learn about the extracurricular courses that the school offers to students every semester, you can consult them through our website in the extracurricular section or communicate directly with the area in charge through email.

How are students’ academic and athletic achievements communicated?

In order to encourage our students to develop their talents and celebrate their academic and athletic achievements, it is necessary that parents send the information through the secretaries of each school or directly to the communications area, who will be in charge of making the recognition visible in the different communication channels that the school has.

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