Esp Eng


Since its founding, Los Alcaparros has been a leader in teaching violin and piano through the application of the Suzuki method in an educational institution setting.

Through the learning of these instruments, children have the opportunity to develop the musical and cognitive skills necessary to perform successfully both in the musical field and in any area of knowledge they face.

The initiation to music that had begun in preschool now takes on a new dimension: while working on individual talent for playing an instrument (violin, percussion instruments or guitar, for example) and for singing, ensemble work is stimulated through the formation of orchestras and bands.

Music performance involves discipline, perseverance and dedication, and not only develops skills and talents, it also develops values.

Studies confirm that practicing a musical instrument such as the violin from an early age enhances a child’s experience and level of success throughout his or her school life. In fact, early practice of an instrument has a direct link to children’s cognitive development.

Celebration: Music for Life

Groups and Orchestras